Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Looking back

Kasia was quick to berate me on how abruptly I "ended" my trip/thoughts on the experience. I apologize for the "abrupt" ending. Now that I've had a week and two days back here in the states I still don't know what this trip has meant for me. Certainly it has granted me a much broader world perspective that I previously lacked, granting my hesitant nature a bit more courage and bravado than I once had. It allowed me to reconnect with a special person, Morgane, whom I long assumed I would never see again. Never in a million years would I have guessed the course the trip, and consequently my heart, would take me down. The multitude of coincidences and occurrences that determined the shape my adventure would take confounds me still. Whether this trip will become a catalyst in my future or just a blip in my experiences remains to be seen. The siren song of travel has captured me and consequently the odds are in the catalyst's favor.

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