Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Recap of Sunday through Tuesday

The last day or so have been a whirlwind of sorts. Before I start in on all of that let me note something about the Slovene cave ride that I forgot to mention earlier. I was very amused by their safety regulations, i.e. their lack of regulations. As I was ducking low overhangs while riding the train I imagined what it would be like if this were in the States. We probably would have been wearing seat belts, helmets, and had to have signed a waiver before getting into the caves. In Slovenia you just pay for your tickets and they trust/expect you to pay attention and not be a dumb ass.
After finishing with Slovenia, what to do next was the biggest question. Dubrovnik, the destination I wanted to visit the most was too far out of the way (at least two days overland). I was at an impasse. So, I wen to the station and caught a train that headed north through Bled into pastoral Austria and then from there west into Germany and onto Munich. Munich was a blur. Nothing against anyone who adores Germany (I found the landscape gorgeous). It just doesn't pique me at all. After getting into Paris early Monday morning the majority of the day was spent recovering from the pace of the past few days. Tuesday was Versailles-enormous. We went through the Chateau's tour, out around the gardens, had a picnic in Marie Antoinette's domain, and then explored her compound and pretend village. It was interesting and I'm glad I went but my enjoyment was tempered by my utter disdain for crowds (and the idiotic things they take pictures of). After getting back to the flat I tried to make chocolate chip cookies for Morgane but amidst the conversions (Celsius, grams, etc) lack of brown sugar, and no measuring cups something was lost. They were average and edible though far from pretty and reminded me more of muffins than anything.

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