Sunday, June 3, 2007

Paris Days 3, 4, 5, 6

The past few days have been very sedated (if anything in Paris can be). I've met Morgane's best friend, Zoe Kovacs. I tend to walk slow and eat fast. In Paris it's the opposite, walk fast and without abandon but take your sweet time with the meals (or anything but walking for that matter). I thought I had it bad dating Kasia. I've learned to expect one or two activities with these ladies to be all day affairs...I can't even begin to relate how many times Ive wanted to pull my air out. Please don't get the wrong idea, Ive been having great times throughout, I'm just easily frustrated. These last few days have been light on the sites and heavy on la vie français. I visited Oscar Wilde's grave at Père Lachaise and Musée D'Orsay. La vie français has been running various errands throughout the city, whiling away a couple of hours at a café or picnicking on the Sèine. There seems to be a phenomenon among Parisiens--the disbelieving eye. When approaching an intersection you must walk all the way to the curb (or most likely past it) and poke your head out to get a better look at traffic that is visible two steps back. I've never experienced such disregard for traffic than here (except maybe on campus at UT).
Yesterday we paid a visit to the childhood home of Zoe and her sister Eva in a small town outside of Chartres. Then we drove the 20 kilometers into Chartres and made our way to the riverside (creekside would be more apt) to rent paddle boats. Before we could do that though we had to get some food. Food is somewhat of a misnomer though. I've never been around people who eat more sweets. I thought I had a sweet tooth and these girls put me to shame. It was approaching 4PM by the time we sat down to our chocolate crepes...which was apparently breakfast. I wasn't sure if they considered the cookies we had on the way to be breakfast, apparently not. We paddled down a peaceful river I believe they call "l'Eure." I ended up handling the lions share of peddling but I guess I needed it after the crepe. After an hour of peddling along we left to visit the Cathedral. Instead of walking from where we were they decided to drive and try to find a spot closer. Wrong idea. After a half hour of driving through the surprisingly trafficked streets of Chartres we found another space and walked through the tight streets towards the church. Chartres is a very picturesque town, which makes the imposing Cathedral that much more spectacular. I think I might have been in more awe of Chartres Notre Dame than Paris'. After spending time walking in and around the church (which was in the middle of mass while I was inside) we thankfully decided to get some food. I've been rightfully accused of being like a toddler in that I get very testy when I'm hungry. I had had three cookies and a crepe by that point and it was well past 6, so I was a bit on the starving side of hungry. Well, after turning their noses up at several restaurants we finally ended up at a place on the town square. I felt like I had put up with a lot that day and needed some comfort food. So, for the first time on my trip, I ordered a cheeseburger and a large glass of beer. It helped soothe my soul thankfully. After dinner, we found our way back to the car and struck out for Paris (80 kilos). I've tried unsuccessfully to orient myself in Paris and have found it impossible. Despite this, I've felt like Eva (and her navigators) take really out of the way routes when in Paris. I have no way to prove this but I believe it. All of that is to say, it seems like it takes a ridiculous amount of time for them to get around Paris in a car (then you have to throw in 20 minutes of driving around trying to find a spot). All of that is neither here nor there but, upon getting back to the flat we all went to have a drink before calling it a night.
Today we've all (Eva, Zoe, Morgane, and I) spent at Morgane's mother's flat celebrating mother's day. Eva and Zoe's parents our out of town, hence they are here. Clint, Morgane's brother, is also here and thankfully speaks English. I needed some male companionship after these last few days surrounded by estrogen. We had a very French lunch that I thoroughly enjoyed. Not sure what tonight holds but, tomorrow might hold the beach if the weather is pleasant. And then I think Tuesday is departure day to somewhere...not sure yet.


Derek said...

Do they call them, "Freedom fries"?

PL said...

Bobby Freedom does