Friday, June 8, 2007

Ljubljana--A wet wander

Finally made it. Light sprinkle when I disembarked and walked towards my hotel. I say "towards," I ambled along in a fairly correct general direction. After a good 15 minutes or so of wandering I found the hotel with the help of some waiters. Of course it was booked solid through the 14th. A panic made my stomach flop--I was truly worried. I passed two different outdoor festivals during my walk. The receptionist was able to get a room at my second choice--I had 15 minutes to get there. I did this successfully, passing a huge line for another concert along the way. I hadn't showered in 36hrs so that took priority over food (a first, I know). I'm going to be forced to find a different lodging tomorrow night because my hotel is booked solid. Thats a problem for tomorrow--tonights work includes a large Union pivo (beer) and a pizza. The Union is crisp and clean, just like Chill likes them, and the pizza is amazing. The different names for pig products across borders is mind boggling. Pepperoni=bacon in Slovenia, FYI. So, I have a bacon pizza with oregano, basil, and oil--not sliced, just one flat pie. Weird combination? Maybe but it is great.
The English of everyone Ive met so far has been excellent--Which naturally works out for me since my Slovenian is admittedly weak. My travel guide said to expect as much (in terms of English proficiency) but even with the forewarning I'm amazed at the excellent speech. It helps that the majority of television stations are in English with subtitles. The jukebox at the bar has been playing a steady diet of American music--from the Fugees to Percy Sledge.
The city seems full of young people and hearing them speak their native tongue mystifies me--I think I can say honestly Ive never heard Slovene spoken until today.
Despite the initial mist getting of the train, the night has been sublime. A slight breeze tempering the mild evening with just the right chill. As I write this I jinxed the evening and with it my plan for a riverside walk. After initially letting up, the rain has continued again with a new force and bade me to stay dry under the awning for one last pivo--the golden word across Eastern Europe.
I'm cold and wet after my walk back to my hotel--an unseen band is into its encore outside my window somewhere towards the river--there is life everywhere and Ive got the bug. I'm in love with Ljubljana.

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