Friday, December 28, 2007

Apology & Thoughts before boarding

I'm sorry it took me a day or two to get back on board with the blog. I've been having unexpected problems with the internet connection at Nanou's apartment.

Dec. 25th
8:30 PM

With as much air travel as I've been exposed to over the last seven months one would think my flight nerves might have been a thing of the past. My nervous expectancy and the rumbling in my stomach are a constant reminder how little my uneasiness has dissipated.
As I struggled through a Monday level crossword, I wondered if it was a bad omen. The sort of signs I always hear are out there. My educated side dismisses these fears as irrational yet me churning stomach begs otherwise. The saying claims "mind over matter" but today I'll settle for "mind over stomach" and let the matter sort itself out.
As with every departure there are tinges of bittersweet melancholy that hang over the journey like a morning mist...blending images in just the right way to muddle your mind. The Christmas season has successfully magnified those feelings in ways I've yet to experience, tinging this particular adventure with a somewhat gray pallor. My heart knows it will wash away quicker than it crept in.

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