Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Paris to Venice--D DAY

I'm taking a train to Venice tonight at 8PM. Supposed to take 12hrs. I think I'm more nervous about this portion of my trip than any other. Ive ventured somewhat into the "unknown" thus far but I take the next step tonight. Ive relied on Morgane in steering me around, ordering food, etc and now the crutch will be cast aside. Hopefully I wont fall. Venice will be a short experience. I'll spend a day and a night there then hopefully be off again to Slovenia. I was informed by the ticket lady yesterday to be sure to wake up an hour before arrival because the view crossing the lagoon isn't to be missed.
Yesterday was spent in much the same fashion as my other days. The spot of leisure was the "Jardin des Plantes." We bought Turkish sandwiches (very similar to Gyros), which was another gourmand first. The "chef" has a giant hunk of lamb hanging up under a heat lamp. After preparing the bread, condiments, and vegetables he shears off larges pieces of lamb for each sandwich. Between the sandwich and the fries (I think they are more popular here than the states) it could have fed two. Ventured to the cinema again last night to see a French movie/musical called the "Chansons des Amours." It was kinda tough to follow along verbatim but I enjoyed it. Wonderfully shot and definitely French. It was pretty cool seeing a bunch of places I'd been to during my time here.
The extent of my time in Slovenia will be dependent on how much I enjoy it (I guess that is obvious). I really want to visit Dubrovnik but it is somewhat difficult to get to so I might have to save that experience for another time. My train back to London leaves Paris on Friday the 15th. I'll be getting back into Paris on Thursday, then Zoe and Morgane might join me in London for the weekend. I guess that is as close to an itinerary as I can get for those curious.


K-train said...

Kebobs (at least that's what they call them in Poland). The meat on a metal rod, under the heat lamp. Pretty tasty (especially after a night of drinking), but something about shaving the meat off always kinda made me gag.

Venice for only one day? Oh how I'd love to be in Venice right now.

Yeap. Right now.

Derek said...

Peto, you didn't answer my question did you ever ask specifically for freedom fries!!!

Sarah said...

haha i love derek's comments!