Saturday, January 5, 2008

Superstitions and Portugal

Jan. 3rd
For the first time in my 25 years of life that I can remember I didn’t have Black-Eyed Peas for New Years. Most of you probably know how disconcerting this is for me. My superstitious nature gets the better of me on many occasions. Sarah is very fond of recounting how I “yelled” at her during the Michigan v. Texas Rose Bowl a few years ago because she sat on the couch (thus bringing bad luck). What she usually glosses over is that Texas won that game and it was glorious. It should be no surprise that I find the possibility of not having Black-Eyed Peas for New Years quite vexing.
I naively thought that I would be able to find a West African grocery store in Paris that sold Black-Eyed Peas. New Years has come and gone without Black-Eyed Peas. My solace was found (and sanity maintained) with lentils, the French equivalent for New Years luck. I had lentils w/ Scallops (aka St. Jacques) on New Year’s Eve. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this will suffice. If I’m spending my time in France I might as well abide by the French luck laws. When in Rome….
Morgane and I have safely made it to Lisboa. We are staying in an apartment straddling the area between Bairro Alto and Chiado, just off Praca Luis de Camoes on Rua de Huerto Seco. The apartment is very well done—it’s a 1/1 with high ceilings and hardwood floors.
Lisboa has proven to be an interesting place. Our initial cab ride into the city revealed just how oddly diverse the city can be. From the airport we skirted the eastern portions of the city. The 70s era apartment buildings that dotted the roadside seemed to be better suited for the Eastern Bloc than the western coast of Europe. Those thoughts gave way as the cab crested a hill revealing the Rio Tejo directly before us. It was only momentarily breathtaking as we wheeled back towards the west driving through an industrial area along the coast. A few short minutes later we were driving along narrow cobblestone roads. This alternating dichotomy of place excites me the most about Lisboa (and Portugal). I enjoy discovering the reality of a place: the destruction and/or affirmation of vague preconceived notions.


Matt said...

i ate my black eyed peas. oh eight! is set to be glorious. anyways, i think lentils will do. it's the thought that counts for lady luck.

Sarah said...

peter i got upset because you literally picked me up off the couch because apparently 'I am bad luck'.

PL said...

It had to be done