Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Sintra and Dreams

Jan 9th
Lord Byron called it a "glorious Eden"

We made the journey to Sintra today. It was a fantastical place. As we climbed the hills of Sintra towards Pena Palace I was reminded of the lush forest scenes from Pan’s Labryinth. The area surrounding Sintra (and the palace itself) seems as if it’s been plucked straight out of the pages of a fairy tale.

My dreams have been strange lately. Food related? The squid is probably a tally on the yes side of that question. Last night’s dreams included some sort of weird witch marriage that I think saved the world somehow, running from some sort of serial killer with Ashton Kutcher, and walking through a mall with Ghandi. When I couple that string of dreams with the epic baseball dream from the previous night (featuring Tom Pagnozzi, Glenallen Hill, Kelly Saviers, Mia Iseman, my grandmother’s front lawn, Buffalo, NY, and Scott Sagen among others) it seems as if Portugal has done something to my head. Let’s hope it was the squid.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

i'll tell kelly she was in your dreams