Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Dessert as a rite

One thing I've noticed about France is the importance of dessert. Food in general has a very exalted place in "la vie francais" but dessert is the high point, the culmination of the day, of the efforts of the meal in general. It all builds to the dessert: the fondant au chocolate, creme brulee, tarte tatin, etc.
It occurred to me that in a way it's a lot like Catholicism. Mass is a central part of each Catholics life but the partaking of communion is the essential element. For a Catholic the point of the mass is communion, it all builds up towards the distribution of the consecrated host. What's the point of sitting down for a nice homily if you don't get your dessert at the end? Communion is the point of the service and like many French I've met, it is quite acceptable to skip the meal all together and just eat the dessert. The homily might offer the nutrition your soul needs but the dessert is all it requires for its true salvation.

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