Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Italian in her

I don't really remember how it came about--perhaps I mentioned her predilection for Italian food, perhaps she made a comment about being Italian on her own. Either way I found out that Morgane is one quarter Italian. I already "knew" this though because she claimed to have told me about it already. My active listening skills aside, I perked up during the second Italian conversation when I heard the words "Zappa."

"Wait. You said 'Zappa,' as in Frank Zappa?"
"Yes. I already told you that the last time too."
"Told me what?"
"That I'm related to Frank Zappa"
"You're related to Frank Zappa?"
"Yes. I told you that already."

This sounded vaguely familiar. I think the forgotten conversation probably took place sometime after I told her I was related to William the Conqueror. Once her laughter subsided I think she might have told me about Zappa. I was probably trying to figure out the quickest way to get proof instead of listening to her.

I'm not sure who wins the cooler relative battle but if you're keeping score at home, my girlfriend is now 1/4th Italian, 1/4 Hungarian, 1/2 Algerian (via Spain), born in the Congo (Kinshasa), and raised in Paris. The next plausible question is of course how in the hell did she end up with an asshole from Arkansas? Chance. Our lives have run together on pure chance. Maybe those New Year's black-eyed peas I've been eating for so long have been working after all.


Matt said...

Given the title of the post I thought you were gonna say that you were part Italian.

Glad to hear that it's going so well. Keep posting.

PL said...

This is a family friendly environment, Stone.