Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tourism Issues

We are only at day one with the tour and I am already struggling with it. It's more than the frequent stops to take ridiculous photos, it's more than the impossibility of keeping up with the French guide. It's the sick feeling I get while a part of a tour. I feel like I am contributing to something sinister. There's nothing wrong with the people on the trip nor those that run it. It seems to creep below the surface of life here--looks on peoples faces, being swarmed by sellers, crowding through tiny passages.
An insurmountable barrier is laid down between those who come to see and those seen. It feels like a perverse neo-manifestation of nineteenth century colonialism. The people might be "free" but they are forced to be put upon because we don't have anything better to do than come look at things, at them, to relax under their sun while they bring us sodas and sandwiches.
To those that say, "you are helping their economy," I say there were jobs before.
To those that say, "it raises cultural awareness," I say travel raises cultural awareness. This just creates an "us" and a "them" mentality--lucky us, poor them. Equality can't exist. It's like arguing that going to the zoo can show you how animals live. Biologically speaking those poor beasts might be alive but they are not living.
The tragedy of course is that I see all this, I feel all of this but am cynical enough to know that there is no hope for change. And that cynicism, that loss of hope is a bigger tragedy than anything I might see here.


Mike said...

I can relate to exactly how you feel. Cara and I had a similar experience in Laos. We never did feel comfortable during our day tour. Almost a feeling of voyerism.

can't wait to read the next post.


Mike said...

just looked up voyeurism on not really what I thought the definition was. oops :-)

2. An obsessive observer of sordid or sensational subjects.

this is the closest definition of voyeurism that could work. still not what I was trying to get across.

this would have probably been more appropriate..."A feeling that we were gawking or ogling at their differences in living."

PL said...

Definitely a weird place/situation in which to find yourself. It's hard to put a finger on but I agree with you, bad definition or not, there is a weird hierarchical relationship that occurs as a result of the "differences." We stop existing as human beings and start existing as separate entities.