Monday, February 11, 2008

Explanation and a few photos

Internet opportunities have been sparse so I have a back log of things to post. First I have a bit of an explanation for my post kvetching about tour groups and then a general update as to what I've been up to here.

My remarks yesterday arose not out of frustration with the tour group or Morocco. My frustration can be seen as frustration with the world--the tour just happened to bear the brunt of my feelings. I don't want this to come across as a correction to my previous remarks; it should be regarded more as an addendum. I believe what I wrote but I wanted to offer a more rounded explanation to why I wrote it. There are countless things wrong with the world and just as many (if not more) that are right. So although I have discovered a certain distaste for tour groups I can easily recognize a myriad of benefits they offer. There is a trade-off with travel as there is with everything in the world and I am beginning to see each side.

In lieu of a day by day description of what I've been doing I'm going to post some pictures and captions of things I've been able to see.

Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. Third largest Mosque in the world.

Absolutely beautiful. I don't have any mosque to compare it to since it is one of the few that allows non-Muslim visitors but it was jaw-dropping.

The tomb of Mohamed V--Protected by some awesome Moroccan soldiers--in Rabat.

The door leading into the medina in Meknes

That's all for now.


bj said...

thought i'd leave a pic i found while satisfying my appetite that you whet for this awesome place.

PL said...

I highly recommend you visit. Hands down one of the coolest places I've been to even if you take into account the French tour group I was in/with. Go get you some.