Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Say for me that I'm all right

"If you see him, say hello, he might be in Tangier"*

-No Tangier for me but it was the best I could do to suit the context of my impending departure for Morocco. Can't really say when I'll be able to update the blog next because I'm not taking my lap-top. *(The altered quote is from "If You See Her, Say Hello" by Bob Dylan. Hands down one of my favorite Dylan songs. It's beautiful)

This will be my first foray into Africa and I don't really know what to expect. I'm both nervous and hopeful. Admittedly I'm also a bit fearful (Unfortunately I still hold on to the remnants of a warped and unfounded Occidental world view). Despite the fear I can't wait to see the country, experience it for what it is and not what my nervous mind says it is.
There should be plenty of interesting experiences along the way because Morgane and I are going with a French tour group. She's afraid it will be a horrible experience. I can't help laughing out loud when I think about the situation. My secret hope is that we are the youngest people in the group by about 30 or 40 years and I make friends with some old French guys. I guess I'm a bit optimistic but there isn't much sense in thinking about it any other way. Until next time, As salaam Alaikum.

"If she's passin' back this way, I'm not that hard to find. Tell her she can look me up if she's got the time."

1 comment:

Mike said...

Africa is big time. As for Internet connection, I predict it will be similar to the poorer SE Asian countries Cara and I visited...available but slow. So I expect updates and photos. You can't get out of your blogging responsibility that easily.

New awesome word for me: Occidental - relating to the people or culture of Western society.
