Friday, December 28, 2007

Dec 28th


Day two has come and gone. Despite my difficulties accessing the internet at Nanou's apartment, it is an amazing place. We are smack dab in the middle of Paris.

After getting my solid ten hours of rest, Morgane and I went out for breakfast. I had some sort of pear pie (apparently I like pears as long as they are in pie form, GoGo). Following breakfast we walked through the streets of Paris to "Au Printemps," a giant department store. Morgane had a "surprise" for me. The store has a rooftop terrace that offers an amazing panoramic view of Paris. During the winter season they build an "Ice Maze" which was to be the surprise. Unless you are 4, you don't have to worry about getting lost. Lest you think she has doubts about my intelligence or navigation skills, Morgane was expecting it to be much larger. Despite the ice maze let down, the views on the terrace were amazing. Low lying clouds shrowded the tops of the Eiffel Tower, Montemarte, and numerous other buildings. After taking in the view we went back downstairs so Morgane could pick up a few Christmas presents. Evidently they celebrate the season a bit longer than we do.
Next we walked to the Picasso museum which turnd out to be very crowded and generally disappointing.
This evening we met Zoe for a drink so Morgane and she could discuss a new work project. Afterwards we went to watch "I'm Not There." The girls had yet to see it and after reading a Dylan biography while in Houston, I was anxious to see it a second time. With the biography fresh in my mind the film turned out to be even more enjoyable to watch than the first time.
The visit to the theater also offered the highlight of my day: the inaction of a Constanza theory (and if you're counting at home, that's two Constanza references in two posts). Someone at the UGC Bercy cour St. Emillion felt that the Constanza toilet stall hypothesis should be tested. Not only did they drop the door all the way to the floor, creating private rooms for each toilet, they decided the urinal concept unnecessary. Private toilets for each man. C'est liberte!

1 comment:

The Baileys said...

Hey Peter! Just wanted to let you know I am reading! Sounds like you're having a nice time. Our blog is You should read it, though it is definitely not as exciting as yours will be. Tell Morgane hi--hopefully she might remember me! :)