Thursday, May 31, 2007

London to Paris--A trip of 1sts

First time out of the country, first time in Canada, first time to cross the Atlantic, first time in Great Britain and now my first real train ride. I'm well aware that it wont meet my idealized notions of train travel (between going under water and traveling at light speed, it will be nowhere near any nostalgic civilized conception from English Lit). Nevertheless I'm genuinely excited about the train ride and my first glimpse of the continent--the excitement only slightly tempered by my always inopportune and fickle stomach ailments.
The chunnel was much shorter than Id expected. I don't know if Id say it was a let down (like the "tunnel" in NWA was the first time I went through it). The first continental glimpse was one of post card farmland followed quickly by the city/stop of Calais. First difference between UK and France is the lack of trees separating the tracks from the country side which obviously helps the view.

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