Thursday, May 31, 2007

Houston to Toronto

I was safely dropped off at the Airport by Gogo and Granddad. Currently waiting to board. A bit nervous but sure of the trip and the guaranteed joy it will I know it holds.

In Toronto finally. The rain gods wont let me dry out. Its overcast and raining. My flight was quite bumpy which wasn't great for my nerves. Upon disembarking I realized that Toronto really does live up to its billing as the worlds most diverse city. After some initial confusion I was able to find ,y way through customs and then somehow locate the shuttle to my hotel. There are major differences between the US and Can (everything being announced in Fr and Eng pops into my head first) the small differences-mainly in wording (History Television instead of channel). My first experience in another country will be a brief one but has created a much greater excitement inside me that lust for Europe.

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