Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Paris Day 6 cont. & 7--Lazy river

I ended up having some serious family time Sunday. After having the mother's day meal we (Morgane, Zoe, Eva and I) made the trek out into the country side to Eva & Zoe's parents house, who had apparently just made it back into town earlier that afternoon. I was regaled with another amazing home cooked meal and plenty of jabbering in French that was virtually impossible to follow (the lone exception being Jacqueline, the grandmother, who had exquisitely methodical and clear diction which allowed me to keep up with her portion of the conversation). I was also not informed of the fact that we would be sharing another family dinner, so I had already changed out of the "nice clothes" I had on into an ultimate jersey (my knowledge of activities is not on the high priority for these ladies unless I specifically ask they prefer to surprise me...which has its positives too) and felt...under dressed to say the least. Zoe is somewhat of a capricious instigator so she really enjoyed giving me a hard time about my choice of clothing for a nice dinner. We finally started heading back to Paris after midnight (I think Ive intimated how long, luxurious meals are and the cigarettes that follow them. Ive second hand smoked more in a week than I have my entire life I think).
After sleeping in, Zoe, Morgane, and I had lunch/first meal and then lazed around on the banks of the Seine napping and reading. Once we got our laziness out of the way, Zoe left to take care of her cats and Morgane and I set out for Luxembourg Gardens, passing the Sorbonne along the way. Luxembourg was lovely and despite the amount of people enjoying the weather very tranquil. Next we walked around the St. Germain area a bit before stopping for a drink and a snack. The purpose of the stop was to kill time waiting on Zoe to get back but naturally she was late. We eventually made our way back towards the flat and had dinner at an Indian restaurant...I know, stop the press--I ate Indian food and really enjoyed it. I had some sort of lamb dish, Mussa Tikka maybe? Crunchy flat bread was set on the table before the meal (The Indian equivalent to tortilla chips?) and reminded me of my mom's tacos. Yes, I know how weird it sounds but its true, there was a spice in it that I guess was in the spice pack she used.
I'm off to Slovenia tomorrow I believe.


K-train said...

Keep the posts coming, Peto. I really look forward to reading them each day. Indian food- congrats. You're branching out. I believe the "tortilla chips" you referred to is called "naan bread" and it's delicious. When you come back, we're going to hit up a couple fav Indian food restaurants of mine. Believe it or not, Clay Pit isn't all Austin has to offer. There's a new Ethiopian place that just opened up a bit ago too... I hear it's tasty.

Derek said...

Keep Austin Weird

PL said...

indeed, keep it weird. Is the Ethiopian place on Dean Keaton and I35? I stopped myself from making an obvious and mean joke abt Ethiopian food, FYI