Thursday, May 31, 2007

Toronto to London

My flights been delayed 45mins. I wonder if they'll "make up time in the air" à la Seinfeld. Ive been amazed at how much longer the days are here than in Austin. Maybe I'm just more aware here (that and the fact that I am never up before 6am in Austin). I was shocked to see that 2 of the 4 breakfast dishes offered at the airport restaurant this morning had chorizo in them. I was not adventurous enough to sully my pretentious Austin mouth with the Great White North's version but it did give me a chuckle of amusement ( especially since I'm so used to Yankee's asking what 'CHOR-EYE-ZO' is). Hopefully the flight will go well and I'll be in London safely.

It's midnight and I managed to navigate myself safely from the airport to my hotel for 4 pounds. The rain has followed me here but stopped long enough for me to get to my hotel dry. My first view as I crested the steps leading out of the Tube were red telephone booths--Quintessential London. I didn't pause over the '"view," my bag was heavy and I was anxious to find my hotel. Initially I was somewhat confused on finding it. I spotted what see,ed to be my hotel--big glass entry way, well lit but the address was 1 Curzon and I needed 53 Curzon. For a moment I doubted the innate navigation skills as a male but as I turned around I saw my hotel (which, as it turns out is a condo/hotel building and did nothing to meet my expectations of what a hotel should look like. Now its well after 12 and I'm debating between finding an internet cafe (that is supposedly 1 min away) or showering after a long day of travel and trying to force sleep on my 730PM body.

Apparently everything closes early in London except for 24hr Kinko's/FedEx. I hadn't realized the 24hr convenience store idea never made it across the Pond. Everyone I asked looked at me like I asked them if there were any Martians around, "Oh no...Not Around here" followed with a shock of disbelief that anyone could ask that kind of question.


Derek said...

whats a Martian?

PL said...

an alien...are you serious?